Barbra Eden's Origin Leading To Acting
Barbra Eden was born; Barbra Jean Hoffman;
on August 23, 1934; in Tucson, Arizona; duringThe Great Depression.
Her parents, moved to San Francisco; where she
grew up.
Her parents, were Harrison and Alice Hoffman.
Her father was a linemen; for the telephone
Her father was a linemen; for the telephone
He didn't make much money; because of the
Her mother was a strict disciplinarian.
Barbra have fun; with her mother; at Golden Gate
Park; and dad, going fishing with him.
Her mother and Barbra; did dishes together;
singing harmony together. They also had fun;
with classical records.
Her mother and Barbra; did dishes together;
singing harmony together. They also had fun;
with classical records.
When Barbra Jean Hoffman was seven years
old; she had a wandering eye; and had to wear a
heavy leather eye patch; and glasses. Because of
this; Barbra was made fun of; at school viciously.
To help, her mother said; focus on your singing.
This helped, forget about wearing; her glasses with
the eye patch.
Barbra had a pure voice. So her mother; suggested
to have singing lessons.
old; she had a wandering eye; and had to wear a
heavy leather eye patch; and glasses. Because of
this; Barbra was made fun of; at school viciously.
To help, her mother said; focus on your singing.
This helped, forget about wearing; her glasses with
the eye patch.
Barbra had a pure voice. So her mother; suggested
to have singing lessons.
Her mother wanted her; to enroll in the class; in
San Francisco Conservatory of Music.
However, they had a second daughter; to support.
But a family friend; gave them the $100 enrollment
fee; so Barbra could enroll.
However, they had a second daughter; to support.
But a family friend; gave them the $100 enrollment
fee; so Barbra could enroll.
She practiced hard; on her singing. Guess what?
Her mother was there; to give her more tips.
After singing the songs; to be sung, her mother said
to her: " you are singing every note; where it ought to
After singing the songs; to be sung, her mother said
to her: " you are singing every note; where it ought to
be; but they don't mean a thing. I think it is time; you
take up acting."
So Barbra took up acting.
So Barbra took up acting.
This is just the origin; to Barbra Eden; leading to acting. The acting with movies and some programs; her seven year contract; with 20 Century Fox; ending with Cleopatra; which cost the studio so much money; every actress; lost their place; and also, 20th Century Fox; sold much of their land. The movie was a flop; because, the studio lost; so much money; even with leading lady; Elizabeth Taylor; will be covered in the final segment. I'm covering Barbra Eden; in accord with my values; someone else; might go beyond this; but that's their business. I have pictures; in love with her husband today. I might go into select movies; I like of her. Customx