You Into Lab Rats For Life
The Federal Government took upon themselves to
alter all our food starting with in the year 1994.The first
food I remember they did alter was a funny looking
apple, fruit punch pink instead of red. You could tell it did
not look Real. It was a glowing brighter pink color.
The Federal Government under The Food And Drug
Administration hired scientists to do the unthinkable with
tens of millions of dollars to do this witch doctor type of
experiment. 75% to 95% is GMO Altered Food.
They came out with DNA Altered Food, known as this
Genetically Modified Organisms. Did you know this real
Frankenstein Food cannot even used their own seeds? It
is true the farmers have to buy this Genetically Modified
Organisms Seed Yearly. The Pesticides they put on this
DNA Altered Food is especially designed for this food.
The seeds are Terminal, they can't make seeds.
The idea that started when they came out this DNA
Genetically Modified Organism, is to have crops that
would allow Pesticides also herbicides to sprayed on them
so the crop was still safe. But how Safe are they?
They said this would produce a high yield. However this
being resistant to pesticides would cause the crop to produce
this on resistance to pesticides all the time; giving you high
risk of cancer. There are 30,000 GMO's on the shelves.
They even did Lab Rat Studies, but they were only for
ninety days. A rat life is no more then three years. Since the
ninety days they didn't see any harmful affects, they called
it safe feeding this Genetically Modified Organism food.
The World Health Organization does this. It sounds
like to me they love money, more then human lives. It is
the New Genocide, That Will Take Your Very Lives Away.
They don't care if it isn't safe for humans.Yet they did not
really thoroughly test this GMO long enough to see if it is
dangerous. Federal Crash Tests go Through more tests,
to see if the cars, trucks, vans, are safe then this DNA
Nightmare Franken foods.
The fact is when they fed both food that did not have
these chemicals, also the ones that did, over a longer
period of time. The male rats live 30% and died at there
normal life of two years. The female rats 20% of their life
time and died. However this the truth, Real Truth The Food
And Drug Administation, does not want you to know, the
Lab Rats fed Genetically Modified Organism Food,the
males 50% developed premature death and females 70%
premature death rates. The males developed Liver and
Kidney Cancer and the females Breast Cancer. Some of
these Tumors on the female rats, were as big as the rat
itself. If I Am Scaring You Good. You are Really Being
Poisoned. You Need To Protect the Lives of Your
Family and Yourself.
At this time The Federal Government Refuses to give
us, a way to know the Real Food from the Genetically
Modified Organisms. It as they want us, be play a part in
the movie Logan's Run and Die Quicker Through Science.
It was found that these Genetically Modified
Organisms Foods, will go through three family generations,
called Transgeneration. That means some woman will not
get pregnant, their daughters and granddaughters. If you
keep eating these foods, you will catch many diseases. By
the time you are middle age,you have cancers,your
adrenal glands, it will affect heart, lungs, liver pancreas,
spleem, kidneys,and other organs to be affected.
The man for credit is a Real Neureo Surgeon MD.
His name is Russell Blaylock. He has a video you can
see about these Franken Foods. He was wondering why his
own parents died of Parkinson's Disease. It was this Poison
that The Food And Drug Administration,t hat started back
in 1994. I found out at Newsmax. A video is there and use
the food under GMO's. He has a twenty-four page cool
booklet to crack this GMO Code.
Now I got you Scared, Avoid Any Fruit Code With
Either a #3 or 4, as the First Number Of The Code These
Are Produce With GMO's Food. Instead Buy Produce
With Only A #9 As The First Number. These Are Not
GMO Produce, But Organic Fresh. Look For the
Non- GMO, like Cuties Oranges grown in CA.
When Buying Meat, Only Buy Meat That Says
USDA, Grass Fed. Do Not Buy Meat That Says: Cage
Free, Free Range, Or Natural. These Are Meats Have
Chemicals In Them. I learned this from the video.
Try Prevention Too. Go through these videos on
Genetic Modified Organisms Foods,and See this as a
New DDT to Kill us .The two videos of beautiful cool
Hawaii Banning GMO Foods. This how the Federal
Government is handingly your food. By all means,
Get Off The GMO Food!,If you don't by middle age,
You Will Die Prematurely like those Lab Rats. Don't
Be A Lab Rat Any Longer.Woman have a Large Case
of Real Breast Cancer, also Men, a Large Case of Liver
Cancer and Kidney Cancer.You Must Act Now!
Federal Government Signed Mosanto In A Bill So
You Die Like Real Lab Rats But For Life...
Is it now ,The Pesticide Herbicide Food And Drug
Administration? With so much Poision in our pretty
farms, Could we have Killer Farms that Make Their
Own Poision as the Clonelike the Killer Algae that
had to be killed with Chlorine?
Is this a Lois And Clark Episode Adventues Of
Superman? No This Real Deadly Food Chain We Are
Being Forced To Eat...